
Inicio  /  Artistas

Artista: {{}}

{% if category.images.first != blank %}
{% endif %} {% if category.description != blank %}

{{category.description | newline_to_br}}

{% endif %}
{% if category.products == empty and filters == empty %}
{% t "There aren't any products available in this category" %}.

{% t "Try searching" %} {% t "again or keep shopping by clicking on the button below" %}.

← {% t "Go back & Keep Shopping" %}
{% else %} {% paginate category.products by options.products_category_limit %}
{{}} {% t "Product(s)" %}
{% include 'category_filter' %}
{{}} {% t "Product(s)" %}
{% if category.products != empty %}
{% endif %}
{% for product in paged.products %}
{% include 'list_product', prod: product %}
{% endfor %} {% if filters != empty and == 0 %}
{% t "There aren't any products available with the selected filters" %}.
{% t "Clear filters" %}
{% endif %} {% include 'pagination' %}
{% endpaginate %} {% endif %}